Sunday 27 December 2009

'A man writes because he is tormented, because he doubts.'

I watched Andrei Tarkovsky's 'Stalker' for the first time this evening and allowed myself to soak up the succession of beautiful images and not be too concerned just yet about meaning. Tarkovsky erects signposts towards possible meanings but allows the viewer to make his or her own way there or, indeed, to wander off the intended path - it doesn't seem to matter. The 'science versus art' debate emerges from dialogue between the characters 'Professor' and 'Writer', but the film's central thesis is more concerned with the search for meaning and hope in this perplexing life of ours, and the extent to which our philosophical and moral view of the world affects - or more importantly perhaps, motivates - that search. Understanding every nuance and visual reference of this film is not easy on a single viewing, but is it that important given its sublime visual and poetic beauty? I think not....

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