Saturday 5 December 2009

Lau, Colston Hall, 4 December

A fine concert last night from the fab threesome, on a night which featured the Bootleg Beatles in another part of the Colston Hall complex. The first half of the gig mainly featured tunes from 'Arc Light' but ended with some reassuringly familiar favourites from 'Lightweights and Gentlemen.' I love the epic quality Lau bring to their material - beautifully-sustained crescendos and rip-roaring climaxes are interspersed with quiet introspective interludes - positively Brucknerian in concept but extremely danceable in execution! The audience responded intuitively to their playing by dancing, whooping and hollering - we could almost have been in Shetland!

Lau are unique - they are sophisticated but also have a 'common touch' which never allows the music to become overly cerebral. Between numbers they are bloody funny as well. Only a certain band from Liverpool, celebrated elsewhere in the building last night, come close to ticking all those boxes!

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